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  • Writer's pictureLeah VanHoose

Would you read it?

I've always enjoyed writing. I have essays and poems and journals dating back to my elementary school days. My best friend Amy's dad, Frank, was a writer and a teacher. He helped me develop a love for writing. I've started two novels, and brainstormed for others but have yet to finish one. I want to blog at least once a week but something is always holding me back. The words won't come. I start and erase. I start and save for later. I start and well, NEVER FUCKING FINISH. It's driving me crazy. Why can't I find the words? I have all these things I want to say but nothing comes out. As you can tell I'm a little frustrated by it.

Maybe it's because I'm not much of a talker—more of a listener. Most people I know are talkers, mainly the one I live with. Being married to him for 30 years it's just been easier to let him talk than to fight to get my words out. I come from a family of loud women but I don't consider myself one of them, I just let them go. The thing is I do have a story to tell and I want my words to come out.

I've started 75 Hard again and in this process, you must read 10 pages daily of an educational/self-help book. I have a little Facebook group going for it and I asked what books they would be reading since I feel I've read every god damned self-help book out there. Anna said she wanted to read my book. Then it dawned on me why wouldn't I write a memoir. I don't have to think up that story, I've already lived it. The words don't have to come, they are already there. I have written an article on it, it even got published in a magazine. I have a starting point.

So, I'm asking you. If I wrote a book about my journey through Alopecia and lack of self-esteem, would you read it?

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